Wednesday, 6 July 2011

Follow us on Facebook

You can now follow the latest gossip at the Den on facebook using the following link:!/home.php?sk=group_112707635445036

The blog will still be updated regularly.

Record Breaking News

Last week we managed to break a new record with over 350 visitors using the Den.  What a hectic week that was, tho we are glad to see so many new faces taking an interest in the Activity Den. 

Thursday, 30 June 2011

Volunteer @ the Den

Like most charities, the Activity Den relies on volunteers to help with the running and maintenance of the den.  We have over 50 volunteers currently helping,  Most pop in occasionally to offer their time, experience, and skills; Whilst some of the volunteers return week in week out to plan and run activities, serve teas and coffees, run tuck shops and help with general duties such as cleaning.

Currently we are working closely with BTCV and offer volunteering positions to those that are desperately seeking jobs, but are wanting to keep their skills fresh and up to date.  So far this has been a huge success and through this we have been able to complete numerous maintenance jobs around the Den.  We have also achieved a lot of goals on the admin side by transforming the office into a more user friendly space.

We also have a successful youth volunteer programme running for youths aged 13 and above.

There are so many ways you could volunteer at the Den, so if your interested then ring us on 01207 236 739 for further information.  

Thursday, 23 June 2011


At long last our new edition of the Den Gen is available. 
Packed full of all the latest information about the brilliant activities held at the den

If you wish to recieve a copy please email us at

Tuesday, 10 May 2011

Help us win £5000

Please sign up and vote for The Activity Den so we can win £5,000 to employ a youth worker - our first and so needed member of staff

Friday, 1 April 2011

Den Forum

The thinking behind Den Forum
In the "early days" user group meetings were held for Activity Den groups. Their purpose was to discuss the work of the groups, what activities took place and importantly the future of the building. They were open to anyone 13+ just like the new Den Forum.

User group meetings have not taken place for some time due to the extensive amount of work taken place to:

  • Set up the charitable company and its foundations
  • Set up new groups
  • Promote our activities
  • Fundraise for group activities
  • Fundraise for the capital works
  • Carry out the capital works
It's been quite a task but it's now done and we have to take important next steps together.

The Proposal
We would like to set up a revamped the user group meetings as Den Forum.  This forum will provide members, groups, volunteers, parents and helpers with a space to discuss Den activities and future plans.  It will also enable The Den to involve some adult helpers and parents who might not necessarily like to volunteer for Den groups but would like to be involved in other aspects of the Den.
It's a way of getting more and more people involved with the work of the Den. Anyone who supports the Den can be involved.

The Den Forum will be Chaired by Steve Grey, Den Secretary with a Vice Chair to be elected form Den members who attend.  it is also hoped that other volunteers at this group who are not taking on another role within The Den would be responsible for creating notes and agendas for the meetings and producing contact lists.  They will all gain extensive support in this area if they require it. The meeting will be fun and not in any way heavy.

The Den Forum would be held every 6 weeks for about 2 hours on a night that suits us all.

The members of the Den Forum would decide what to discuss, some ideas include -

  • Group Activities
  • Sharing Resources
  • Future Joint Activities
  • Fundraising
  • Celebration Events
  • Future plans for The Den
Next Forum, Friday 8 April time to be announced.  All very welcome.

Registered Charity No: 1122076 . Registered Company No: 631 7897
C/O Steve Grey, 27 Pea Road, Stanley, Co Durham, DH9 7RG     

Wednesday, 30 March 2011

Easter Activities

This Easter, the Activity Den plan to hold various easter events through the School Easter Holiday's.

The Easter Events already planned include:

  • Tuesday 19th April - Egg Rolling Competition - 10.30am - 12.30pm
  • Tuesday 19th April - Easter Bonnet Competition - 2.00pm - 3.00pm
  • Thursday 21st April - Easter Egg Hunt  -  11am - 1pm
  • Tuesday 26th April - To be announced
  • Thursday 28th April - To be announced.
Please contact the Activity Den for further details:  01207 236739